Events Calendar
Meetings and Events
As you come and go in the uniqueness of the following months, do keep your faith-life and your church-life alive and well. Our great God calls, gathers, and uses His people all year long.
The Lord's Day
On the Lord’s Day we weekly offer Worship at 9:45 a.m..
We serve communion twice a month, usually on the first and third Sundays of each month.
We also collect Noisy Offering of loose coins on the second Sunday of every month. This offering is given to a designated cause. Let a council member know if you know of an important organization that is in need of a donation.

Sunday School
Sunday school follows the regular school calendar and takes place following worship. This is an intergenerational Sunday school group and all are welcome to join and learn! Our new Sunday school year will begin with Rally Sunday on September 10th.

Adult Ministries
The Women of the Evangelical Church (WELCA) have a monthly Bible Study held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm. The current Bible study focuses on The Ten Commandments. Join us!
There is a Men’s Breakfast/Bible Study which meets every Tuesday morning at 7:00 am downstairs in Trinity’s fellowship area. There is fellowship, coffee, and donuts! The current Bible study is on the understanding the parables of Jesus. All men are invited to attend.
Events Calendar
There are no events available.